Enchantments Rank 3

Enchantments Rank 3
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Enchantments Rank 2, 50 Power Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 3:

Spell Verbal:  With Pure Magic I Cast an Unyielding…

  • …Wall of Force.        6 Power Point      While in Line of Sight.
    • This spell creates a 10 foot by 10 foot impenetrable wall. Nothing can pass through the wall, including spells and alchemical items; only clean non-poisoned air is allowed to pass. The Total Power skill will pierce through a Wall of Force, even if the original spell was cast with Total Power.
    • This spell follows the normal wall spell rules found at the beginning of chapter 3.


  • Powerful Blast.     6 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell will destroy a non-magical object of door size or smaller. The name of the item that the caster wishes to blast is an out-of-game comment that the caster says when the spell packet hits a target, for example, “With Pure Magic I Cast a Powerful Blast… door” or “With Pure Magic I Cast a Powerful Blast… Polearm.”
    • In all other respects, this spell obeys the same rules as the Shatter <item> spell except any shield can be affected by the Blast spell.


  • Electrocution        6 Power Points        Latent
    • This Spell is considered Lost Magic.
    • This spell does 30 points of magical damage due to lightning


  • Magic Sanctuary        9 Power Points        While Concentrating
    • This spell creates a skin-tight impenetrable barrier around the caster. The Magic Sanctuary spell protects the caster from all attacks, spells, and alchemical items; and provides the caster with clean air. Neither the Dispel Magic nor Destroy Magic spells can negate this spell. A Magic Sanctuary is a complete protection against the outside world; other characters may not pick up or move the caster, nor may they apply weight to the caster’s arm to make the caster lower it before the caster chooses.
    • The caster is still affected by certain attacks. Hypnosis is one such attack. The character can be ordered to drop the Magic Sanctuary. The Total Power skill will pierce through a Magic Sanctuary, even if the original spell was cast with Total Power.
    • While a caster maintains a Magic Sanctuary, they may not pick up objects, drop objects, strike with a weapon, drink potions, or cast any spells, even on themselves. The caster can pass through anything that is not actively resisting such as light branches. If someone blocks the caster’s path, the caster cannot move them and cannot be moved by them either. This spell will allow the character to walk through water, blizzards, sandstorms, or even lava unharmed. A caster can move through a free swinging door, but cannot turn a knob or open a latch. The caster cannot affect the outside world with any skills, spells, abilities, magic items, etc while they are maintaining this spell. The caster could not, for example, use gaseous alchemical items or invoke area affect magic items while in a Magic Sanctuary spell.
    • A Magic Sanctuary only protects the caster; if someone is touching the caster when the spell is cast, they are not protected as well.
    • While they are maintaining a Magic Sanctuary, the player must hold an arm out to their side parallel to the ground, elbow bent up at a right angle, and palm forward. Also, the caster must walk slowly, no faster than one step per second. If the caster drops their arm or moves faster than one step per second, the sanctuary dissipates.
    • Like all spells, a Magic Sanctuary does not last beyond the end of an Event.

Enchantments Rank 1
Enchantments Rank 2
Enchantments Rank 4
Enchantments Rank 5

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